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Essays on cloning

Essays on cloning

The History of CloningThe theory of being able to make a genetic copy a clone of another animal has been around for quite a while. FRANCIS LEWIS HIGH SCHOOL. stm Bird, Gloria W. Dolly marked a significant accomplishment in the field of cloning. It all seemed out of reach and basically impossible, but in essays on cloning all changed when a sheep, named Dolly, was the first ever…. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task, essays on cloning.

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Despite the promising future that cloning purports to forecast for the human race, the research projects have been met with fierce opposition essays on cloning lawmakers to clergy men. Most of the opposition is on ethical grounds and while there is nothing unethical about using technology to save lives, opposition groups are far from being appeased. Considering the fact that most of the controversy about cloning arises from misinformation or ignorance about the matter, essays on cloning, this study shall set out to conclusively research on cloning and its merits so as to essays on cloning whether the lack of unanimous support for therapeutic cloning and explicit ban of human cloning is justifiable.

Cloning is described as the creation of genetically identical organisms by use of artificial means Kfoury The process essays on cloning which this is carried out is often complicated and requires cutting edge technology. The two major forms of cloning are the Reproductive and therapeutic cloning. Reproductive cloning involves the generation of animals that have identical DNA with previously existing animals Mollard 1. Cloning of human beings would fall under this category. The cell grows into a replica of the animal which provided the gene once it is fully developed. Therapeutic cloning follows the same steps as reproductive cloning only that the embryos development is not let to run to completion.

Therapeutic cloning is mainly used to extract stem cells from embryos, essays on cloning. After the successful retrieval of the cells, the embryos are inevitably destroyed Kfoury Research on stem cells has it that these unspecialized cells have the ability to transform themselves into any type of cell found in the body. There has been agreement by consensus that human cloning should be banned though the prospects of the same are at best distant. The major arguments in support of this assertion is the concern that cloning could lead to physically deformed children and furthermore pose a danger to the women who act as surrogate mothers to the clones Pearson It is noteworthy to point out that these fears are not unfounded since cloning of animals essays on cloning resulted to some undesirable characteristics being exhibited in the clone.

Research shows that cloned animals that survive end up being bigger at birth than natural animals. This condition is not only hazardous to the mother but also can lead to breathing problems and a myriad of other complications Pearson The mortality rate of cloned animals is also observed to be very high with most of them hardly lasting through a few months Mollard 2. New cloning techniques open up the possibility of reproductive cloning hereby human beings could be created! This scary possibility is further made real by the critical shortage of organs for such surgeries and the very questionable moral ethics of some governments which could essays on cloning with such outrageous practices.

Cloning technology as it presently stands is haunted by huge failure rates Mollard 2. This is one of the facts that detractors to cloning are quick to point out in their arguments against the justification of cloning. In the first successful cloning of the sheep, it is recorded that enucleated eggs were obtained and received nuclei from an adult mammary gland cell. Of these, only 29 cells made it to the next blastocyst stage. The new cells were placed in the uteruses of 13 ewes but only one sheep was eventually born. This success rate of a mere 0. He asserts that while the debate rages on about reproductive cloning and step cell research efforts, women who supply essays on cloning eggs for the cloning efforts are given no merit or credit at that.

The health risks associated with the egg extraction process are seen to be great and in light of the high rate of failure currently associated with the cloning process, Mollard contests that serious ethical implications are raised regarding the process 2. From a medical point of view, cloning also presents a new way in which research into diseases can be undertaken, essays on cloning. It is articulated that animals that carry genetic defect that mimic human diseases can be generated through cloning North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research 2. Sadly, majority of the people awaiting organs for transplant will end up not receiving the much needed organs, essays on cloning.

Therapeutic cloning presents a long term solution to this problem which is only set to escalate. Cloning of individual human organs e. the kidney, heart, etc. presents a novel way of coming up with organs for transplant as patients will no longer have to rely on the altruist tendencies of fellow men, which cannot always be guaranteed Lanza In addition, this cloning will ensure that organ rejection is a thing of the past Kfoury In addition to these prospects of creating high quality breeds in industrial scale numbers, there is also the possibility of modifying the DNA of the clones such that they posses some key proteins that are not normally present in the animal but are of huge benefit to human beings Lanza This will lead to a healthier nation.

While antagonism over the safety of cloned animal essays on cloning has incessantly been questioned, majority of the people have began viewing cloning as one of the feasible ways of creating means of feeding a world whose population is constantly on the rise North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research 2. Cloning presents a way of ensuring that the precise quality of food can be harvested over and over, essays on cloning. In light of the recent financial crises essays on cloning the increased food essays on cloning issues especially in developing counties, such moves that promise adequate food supplies are welcome.

This study set out on a quest to state if the banning of cloning research efforts was justifiable. Considering the numerous benefits that further research would have presented, I would view this ban as grossly unjustifiable. Should the ban on funding of cloning projects not have been made, one can only guess at the numerous groundbreaking achievements that could have been made by now. The novel ideal of individual organ cloning would have alleviated the present problem that is so prevalent in the health care system.

In addition, the global food crisis would be significantly averted among other benefits. Kfoury, Charlotte. Lanza, Robert. Mollard, Richard. Reproductive cloning, essays on cloning. North Carolina Association for Biomedical Research. October Pearson, essays on cloning, Yvette. Countering an Ethical Argument against the Reproductive Cloning of Humans. Wolfe, John. Need a custom Argumentative Essay sample written from scratch by professional specifically for you? certified writers online. The Cloning Controversy. We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. If you continue, we will assume that you agree to our Cookies Policy.

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About million, or about 1 in 9, people in the world do not have enough food to live a healthy life Food Aid Foundation. While most of these people live in developing countries, there 40 million people in the United States that are hungry Feeding America. Feeding all of the hungry children in the world would cost 3. This may sound like a lot, but cloning research can cost a lot of money too, between buying supplies and paying the test subjects Herper. If this money was instead spent on feeding the children, our future could be way better than it is right now. To summarize, cloning is awful and needs to stay illegal.

Many of them die in the womb or suffer from disabilities because it is dangerous. Cloning is unethical since it can cause already living children to die, and it is unnecessary because the human population is growing incredibly fast as it is. Humans should just mind their business and leave nature the way it is. Cloning Fact Sheet. National Human Genome Research Institute NHGRI , www. Sample, Ian. Why Is It Dangerous to Clone Humans? The Guardian, Guardian News and Media, 22 Jan. Current World Population. United Arab Emirates Population — Worldometers, www. World Hunger Statistics. Food Aid Foundation, www. Herper, Matthew.

Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 6 June , www. html 58adb. Rugnetta, Michael. Facts About Hunger and Poverty in America. Feeding America, www. Zero Hunger. World Food Programme, www1. Cloning Argumentative Essay. com, Jun 24, Accessed January 7, com , Jun Order paper like this. Did you like this example? Type your requirements and get professional help. Deadline: 10 days left. Number of pages. Choose the correct word to fit in the gap. You are living in a University residence, and you have a problem with the high levels of noise from a new campus restaurant which is open until midnight. You are going to another country to study. You would like to do a part-time job while you are studying, so you want to ask a friend who lives there for. IELTS Writing IELTS Speaking IELTS Listening IELTS Reading All Lessons Vocabulary Academic Task 1 Academic Task 2 Practice Tests.

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